In the beginning of Parshas Vayigash, Chazal describe the epic battle between Yosef and Yehuda. Yosef, viceroy of Egypt and Yehuda, ruler of Bnei Yaakov battling over the future of Bnei Yisrael. This battle is not merely one occurring in the moment, concerned solely with the safety of Binyamin and the health of Yaakov. Rather, it is a continuation and an acceleration of the ongoing battle between Yosef and Yehuda for the rights to Malchus Yisrael. Answering several questions will help understand this episode.
It is interesting to note that from the time the brothers initially travel to Egypt until Yosef's revelation of his identity to them, the episode of his sale by his brothers is never overtly mentioned. Not as a discussion between the brothers, nor as a memory in Yosef's mind. Why, then, does Yosef choose the moment of his identity revelation as the moment to revisit the terrible episode of his sale? After all, the brothers seem to have abided by the Rambam's three-pronged formula for teshuva by recognizing and regretting their sin - aval asheimim anachnu al achinu - and acceeding to never return to that sin - expressed through their actions in defense of Binyamin.
When Yosef finally reveals himself to his brothers and instructs them on their interaction with their father Yaakov, Yosef emphasizes his desire that they inform Yaakov of his power and position in Egypt. V'higadtem l'avi es kol kevodi b'mitzrayim. Does Yosef really believe that this will impress Yaakov? Does he really think that this will overcome the deep concern that Yaakov would initially have regarding his spiritual well-being? Why is this such an important element of the message Yosef wishes to convey to his father?
When hearing of the arrival of Yosef's brothers, Paroh insists that Yosef send wagons to bring Yaakov and his remaining family to Egypt. In fact, the pasuk emphasizes that the wagons Yosef sent were specifically al pi Paroh - the command of Paroh.Yet, when the brothers return to Yaakov the pasuk tells us that Yaakov sees the wagons that YOSEF sent. The confusion does not end there. When embarking on the trip to Egypt the pasuk tells us that the brothers placed Yaakov on the wagons. The pasuk emphasizes that these were the wagons that PAROH sent, as opposed to Yosef. Which was it? Were these wagons sent by Yosef or Paroh?
Lastly; prior to Yaakov's arrival in Egypt he sends Yehuda ahead - v'es Yehuda shalach lefanav el Yosef lehoros lefanav Goshnah. Rashi tells us that Yehuda was to go ahead of the others to establish a Yeshiva for Bnei Yaakov to learn in. Why couldn't Yosef do this? In addition, what is the meaning of lehoros lefanav - to teach before him? He is not teaching anyone before Yaakov arrives. What is the meaning of this pasuk?
Yosef's goal was to be declared the ruler of the brothers and to receive the bracha of malchus Yisrael. He knew that this role was intended for Yehuda but, nonetheless, he wanted to see if he could change Yaakov's mind. Getting Yaakov to Mitzrayim to witness Yosef's ability as ruler was essential to his plan. Yosef was well aware of Yaakov's attachment to Eretz Yisrael. He knew quite well that even reuiniting with his long lost beloved son might not be reason enough to leave Eretz Yisrael. Therefore, he implemented a plan. The first part of the plan was to assure that the brothers would help him. Although the brothers had performed the teshuva formula according to the Rambam, they still were missing one crucial element. The Rambam explains that when one is chovel chaveiro - damages his friend - teshuva is not complete until he repays the damages. Yosef's reminder of the episode of his sale informs the brothers that he has been away from his father for 22 years. This was the damage of their sale and they need to repair it for them to achieve full kaparah.
Although this might provide incentive for the brothers to act, it does not provide incentive for Yaakov to leave Eretz Yisrael. Yosef anticipates Yaakov's response that Yosef should return home rather than remain in Egypt. Therefore, Yosef emphasizes that the brothers need to inform Yaakov of his position and responsibility in Egypt so that he will understand how urgent it is for Yosef to remain in Egypt since the entire world is dependent upon him.
Once these messages have been delivered, Yosef begins his efforts to convince Yaakov of his worthiness to receive malchus Yisrael. Yosef does so by describing his views on the meaning of malchus Yisrael. The foundation of his political platform is maintaining a low profile. Yosef feels that the best model for Jewish leadership is to maintain a low profile amongst the nations of the world. It is for this reason that Yosef does not want to send wagons to Yaakov. He does not want to arouse the anger of the Egyptians by using government funds and his position as viceroy for his own familial benefits. The wagons are sent only on the insistence of Paroh. Yaakov's immediate impression upon seeing the wagons is that they were sent by Yosef. However, after the brothers inform Yaakov of the details of their journey, he understands that these were sent by Paroh, not Yosef. Therefore, when actually using the wagons to travel to Egypt, they are referred to as the wagons that Paroh sent, since those are the facts.
Yaakov understands the message of Yosef. He understands that Yosef is vying for malchus Yisrael and is presenting his platform to show Yaakov that he has the right plan for success of malchus Yisrael. Yaakov, however, disagress with this platform. Therefore, he specifically sends Yehuda to teach Yosef. Lehoros LEFANAV - before him. The 'him' is Yosef. Yaakov is commanding Yehuda to teach Yosef about malchus Yisrael. Indeed, there is an importnat element of foregin policy necessary for Malchus Yisrael. And, perhaps, while living amongst the nations of the world, a low profile is a good plan. However, foregin policy is not the key element of malchus Yisrael. Caring for every individual, assuring success of the Jewish community, domestic policy are essential elements of malchus Yisrael. Yaakov sends Yehuda to teach Yosef Goshna - about Goshen, about leading Bnei Yisrael within their community. This is the essence of malchus Yisrael. Yehuda is the one that was willing to sacrifice his entire reputation to protect Tamar. Yehuda is the one willing to sacrifice his life in this world and the next to protect Binyamin. Yehuda understands the need for a Melech Yisrael to give completely and totally of himself for any and every individual of Klal Yisrael.
Yosef will be instrumental in leading Bnei Yisrael amongst the nations - in Egypt and as a prelude to Mashiach with Mashiach ben Yosef. However, ultimately Malchus Yisrael belongs to Yehuda as he leads Bnei Yisrael as a community and nation. The epic battle was finalized and determined with Yaakov's message - lehoros lefanav.
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